Stewart Barker is 45 years old and his wife Jane Barker is 42. They have 2 young children and are both UK Nationals.
Personal Details
- Marital Status: Married
- Dependants: 2 Children
- Employer: Large Accountancy Company and an International School
- Combined Salaries: $180,000
- Estimated Monthly Expenditure: $9,000
- Disposable Monthly Income: $6,000
- Location: Asia
- Stewart and Jane own 2 properties in the UK valued at $750,000 which have a combined mortgage debt of $450,000
- They have a structured retirement savings plan in place where they contribute $600 monthly. They have had the plan for 9 years and it's due to stop when Stewart reaches 60 years old.
- They hold $190,000 in various bank accounts achieving little to no interest.
During an initial meeting with Winson Capital, Stewart and Jane completed a Financial Needs Analyses questionnaire which gave us a full overview of their current financial position and assets. During this process, we initially discussed their short-term goals and objectives and it became apparent that they intend to purchase another property within the next 3 years in Southern Europe. After discussing their short-term goals, we discussed their medium to long term goals including the the kind of lifestyle they desire post retirement. We identified that they would like to live between Southern Europe and the UK and compiled a list of likely activities they wish to do during retirement. Their biggest priority was to increase their savings for retirement. They are expecting a large inheritance which they believe will cover the costs for their children's education.
- They plan to purchase a further property in Southern Europe to be used as a holiday home now and a second home for retirement but has no plan in place to achieve this.
- Their cash accounts were poorly organised and they held too much generating little to no interest.
- Their retirement planning was insufficient to provide the desired lifestyle when they stop working.
- They have no life personal insurance and a small amount provided by Stewart's employer. It was calculated that it was insufficient to cover their mortgage debt and would not provide enough for their family if either one was to die prematurely.
- The first thing we did was help them get a personal life insurance in place. They had mortgage debt of $450,000 USD and Stewart's employer only provided $200,000 if he were to die. They had no extra insurance cover to fund their children's education or provide an income to the family if either died prematurely which was a big concern for them.
- We created a personal financial plan for Stewart and Jane which will be used to track their progress as they build their wealth and assets. This plan takes in to account their short- and medium-term goals such as a new car purchase and funding for their children's education.
- In terms of their retirement planning, we firstly helped them to increase their savings using their existing retirement plan already in place. We also considered that whilst they may currently be in Asia and have a large combined income, this is unlikely to be the case long term. Therefore, in addition to their existing plan, we helped them start a non-contractual savings plan which allows them to invest aggressively now whilst they can with the benefit of stopping later without penalty.
- We discussed their bank accounts and agreed they have too much cash generating little to no interest. We helped them to set up an international Investment vehicle using part of their savings within their accounts. When we calculated the amount for this investment, we firstly factored in 5 months of disposable income as an emergency fund and an additional sum of $75,000 to be used as a deposit for a property purchase if the opportunity arises.
- Stewart and Jane now have a clear financial plan to help take them through life into their retirement. Their plan will be reviewed with Winson Capital every 6 months to ensure they are still on track. Knowing their financial situation will change over time, it will be adjusted when needed to compensate for this.
- With the increase in their savings toward their retirement, they are now building their wealth sufficiently to reach the target needed to produce their desired retirement. This also has the added effect of reducing their disposable income which avoids their cash accounts building too rapidly.
- A life insurance policy is now in place to cover their mortgage debt and provide a lump sum which will be used as an income for the family in the event of either Stewart or Jane's premature death.
- As Stewart and Jane are both UK nationals, we were able to utilise an investment vehicle that is extremely tax efficient from a UK tax perspective. It allows them to invest in worldwide markets free of capital gains tax. When they retire, and spend part of their retirement in the UK, they will also be able to withdraw 5% of the investment free of UK tax. In addition to this, with every day they spend as expatriates, they will also build up a UK tax free allowance therefore further reducing any tax on their gains.